The Harlingen EDC serves as the spark plug for the economic development engine of our city.
ABout Us
We love Harlingen and we want to see it continue to grow and thrive. We play a major role in the success of Harlingen by recruiting new businesses to the area and helping keep jobs in our community.
Bringing new jobs into Harlingen and keeping existing jobs here creates wealth and prosperity in our community. It results in new money brought into the local economy that is then circulated within the community; and thus, additional jobs, tax revenue and economic activity are generated.
Most jobs are created by employers in the manufacturing, distribution, administrative/back office, and research and development sectors. They typically pay higher wages than most companies in the tertiary sector of the local economy.
A second process by which the EDC seeks to create wealth in Harlingen is through its support of business growth, innovation, and entrepreneurship. As an organization that is dedicated to Harlingen and its people, we leverage partnerships between the public and private sectors in order to drive growth, create jobs, and improve the quality of life.
A Committed Team
The team at the Harlingen Economic Development Corporation is committed to your businesses’ success. Our staff is here to help you every step of the way, from assisting with site selection and relocation to finding the right incentives to establish new businesses and to expand or relocate existing businesses.
The Harlingen Economic Development Corporation is governed by a seven member Board of Directors appointed by the Harlingen City Commission.