To help us understand your project and align with your company goals, we invite you to complete the Project Review Form application. This will enable us to tailor our support and incentives to meet your specific needs and ensure your success in our community. We look forward to partnering with you!
Tax Abatement
Qualifying businesses considering locate in Harlingen have the opportunity to apply for a property tax abatement on new value created as a result of a large industrial project.
Infrastructure Grants
Available for specific off-site improvements for qualified projects.
Land Grants
For qualified projects, HEDC may subsidize a portion or all of the cost of the land for a greenfield development. These types of grants are usually for large industrial projects with big job creation numbers.
Freeport Tax Exemption
Section 11.251 of the Tax Code provides for a freeport exemption applying to goods, wares, ores and merchandise other than oil, gas and petroleum products (defined as liquid and gaseous materials immediately derived from refining petroleum or natural gas) and to aircraft or repair parts used by a certificated air carrier.
Economic Studies Grant
HEDC can assist in the cost of applying for state funding programs such as the Enterprise Fund, Enterprise Zone Project, or Chapter 313 impact studies for qualified projects.
Sales Tax Incentive Program
The City of Harlingen and the State of Texas both offer great incentives for expanding and relocating business.
Customized Programs
HEDC may be willing to develop new programs for qualified businesses subject to meeting statutory requirements.
Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreements
Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code allows Harlingen to offer a range of incentives for economic development, including the ability to rebate some of the city's portion of the 1.0% sales and use tax collected from business entities located in the jurisdiction.
Matching Job Training Grants
HEDC may participate in job training programs by providing matching grants for Texas Workforce Commission programs.
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones
The City has historically utilized Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZ) as a powerful vehicle to develop and redevelop qualified projects based on City goals and objectives.
$2 Million Fund for Small Business Loans
The Harlingen Economic Development Corporation (HEDC) has partnered with PeopleFund to launch a revolving loan fund that will provide $2 million in loan capital for eligible small businesses located within the Harlingen city limits.
Equip Harlingen Matching Grant Program
Equip Harlingen is a small business matching grant program offered by the Harlingen Economic Development Corporation that provides up to Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) for new equipment purchases for businesses that are looking to expand their production capabilities.
Revitalize Harlingen
The program provides financial assistance up to $10,000 for improvements to eligible commercial businesses or property owners for eligible renovation costs that have occurred or will occur from October 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025, subject to the terms of the grant and final approval from the Board of Directors and the City Commission.
EDA Grants
The US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration has programs available to HEDC that could help offset costs associated with new projects creating manufacturing jobs and increasing private investment. HEDC has been willing to help companies through these programs.
Opportunity Zone
An Opportunity Zone is an economically-distressed community where private investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for capital gain tax incentives. Harlingen has several census tracts designated as opportunity zones.
Economic Development and Diversification In-State Tuition for Employees
Economic Development & Diversification In-State Tuition for Employees is a program that allows employees—and those employees’ family members—of a qualified business considering a relocation or expansion of its operations in the State of Texas to pay in-state tuition rates at public institutions of higher education in the state without first establishing residency.
Skills Development Fund
Established by the 74th Legislature in 1995, The Skills Development Fund was designed to better utilize the public community and technical college system in Texas as well as other training organizations and have them partner with businesses throughout the state (with priority on small businesses) to train workers to meet the labor needs of employers and the regional labor market.